ARDI doesn't lock away your information - our APIs allow other software to access ARDIs data easily, using it for notifications, analytics, AI or anything else you need. You can also use our APIs to extend ARDI itself.
The server is the central component of ARDI. It's the place where all of your information is combined and made available. Clients - such as the Virtual Environment (VE), Augmented Reality (AR) or Interactive Photographic (360) applications - tap into that shared pool of knowledge to provide ways to view your information that is tailored for different types of user.
ARDI is a fantastic platform for building an Artificial Intelligence. Because it understands your assets, structures and has access to live values and history, it can help you build detectors, predictors and models, acting as an extra set of eyes that inform you of problems with your process. ARDI can help you build both rules-based AIs, and machine learning AIs, which can deal with extremely subtle or complex situations.
In ARDI anything you think is important enough to talk about can be an asset. Not just hardware, your people, departments and areas of your plant can all be built as assets in an ARDI system.
Augmented Reality uses your phone or tablet as a 'window'. When you look through it, extra information is overlaid on top of your view of the real world. In ARDI, this identifies the asset you're looking at, as well as providing access to live values, history, manuals and more.
Asset information is often scattered across many information systems - live data in SCADA, history in your historian, serial numbers and spares info in your maintenance system, procedures in your documentation system etc. ARDI brings all of this information - from different systems and different departments - into a single, consistent place where it can be accessed easily.
Dashboards are interactive, web-based views of your data. ARDI includes its own Data Explorer to create dynamic dashboards, as well as supporting Grafana (an open source dashboarding tool). Our API also allows you to connect ARDI to any 3rd party or custom system you might use, such as PowerBI.
Different types of information are often stored in different systems. SCADA holds live data, databases hold history, document systems manage your procedures and standards, and often your drawings are in physical folders on the shelf. Even when well organised, each requires time, effort and training to access.
Diagrams are an interactive picture of how your assets are connected - both physical relationships (such as where something gets its power, water and air from) and logical relationships, such has what it controls, what system its a part of, or what part of the start-up sequence it switches on.
These are similar to what you see in Google Street View* - you can walk around the footage of your location(s) by stepping between 360-degree photos. You can also click on assets to find out what they are and access their information, and get directions to nearby isolation points. Street View is a trademark of Alphabet. Alphabet and Google are not affiliated with Optrix/ARDI
Properties in ARDI are the pieces of information that are attached to your assets. Temperature, Pressure and Speed are all examples of properties.
Relationships describe the connections between your assets. These can be physical relationships - such as where an asset gets its power, water or compressed air from, or logical relationships, such as what this asset controls, where it sits in a sequence of similar machines, or what system its part of.
ARDI can be used to create PDF reports, sending chosen reports out at scheduled times to different groups of users, ensuring that people are given all-and-only the information they need. And because these reports are Python-powered, you have the flexibility to do almost any kind of visualisation and analysis you could imagine, as long as the raw data is available.
Virtual Environments are interactive, 3D versions of your site. With them you can view your assets and the data inside them across your entire site, allowing you to absorb large amounts of data easily. You can also view any time, meaning you can replay past events and review issues and incidents.