Work With Us

Our team is highly agile and we work with a wide variety of technologies, industries and people on real-world, data-driven solutions to problems.

Optrix are looking for talented people with experience in programming, marketing, QA and Applications, where the right candidate can find themselves a valuable member of the team.

While our requirements vary from role to role, we always value people who…

  • Want to develop their career in a modern, innovative market,
  • Can clearly communicate, particular about technical topics,
  • Be honest and open – with bad news as well as good,
  • Speak up and let us know when they have new ideas,
  • Work well with people from a range of both cultural and technical backgrounds.

Join Us!

We’re looking for motivated, talented people for the following roles…

ARDI Application Engineer

Get In Touch

If you’re looking for a role that we’re not actively recruiting for, you can always simply send us your resume – we’ll keep it on file for any new opportunities that come up in the future.