Issue Detection

ARDIs Cognition engine can help you build AIs that can detect specific fault conditions that are difficult to pick up using rules-based logic.

You can also create general alerts that instead of detecting specific faults, alert you when parts of your system are operating unusually. This means that – with training – the alert can spot a number of unexpected and unanticipated problems with your equipment.

For some issues, Cognition can even help you predict your problems, giving you an alert that they are about to happen.

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Detect Root Causes

Sometimes it’s easy to find the cause of a problem. But other times, it can be incredibly difficult to spot the trigger for issues. Timeline is used to help find the root causes of problems on site.

The system searches a window of time – normally the minutes leading up to an issue – and displays any statistically-significant change in your process between those times.

It then removes the patterns of events that have already been identified, such as the normal, day-to-day events on your process. They events that remain are all of the unusual and unexpected changes. In many cases, one or more of these will be the event that leads to your issue.

Find New Connections

Correlia is an automated correlation detector.

Given some example time-frames to work with, it detects the properties that appear to be related with other properties, revealing how your different values and assets are connected.

Some of these links are obvious, but some may be surprising – such has discovering how ambient temperature or humidity has a noticeable effect on your quality.

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Dive Deep Into Data

Many of ARDIs visualisations are designed to help with detecting and diagnosing issues.

In particular, 3D visualisation and the Data Explorer give you the ability to choose exactly what information you want to see, over what time period.

Unlike most Dashboards and HMI screens, these displays are dynamic, showing the information people need, rather than only offering the views that the engineers think they might need. This makes them very useful when you want to dive deep into a system to find issues.

Request a Personal Demo

The best way to understand the power of ARDI is to see it with your own eyes.

Simply add your contact details below and we will arrange a personal demo where we will take you on a full tour of ARDI’s backend and show live demonstrations of each capability

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