What Is Checklist?

Checklist is a tool to create web-based, data-interactive checklists that guide your people through common tasks using their smart device – such as a tablet or mobile phone.

Although web-based checklists aren’t unusual, being able to access ARDIs data and visualisations make your checklists far more dynamic and useful.

Your checklists can include steps that…

  • Allow users to see live data values,
  • Let users easily access manuals, documentation and videos,
  • Show animated, live-data diagrams of system state,
  • Can not be checked off unless confirmed by I/O signals,
  • Require photographic proof or condition confirmation,
  • Record audio clips,
  • Provide maps or ‘Street View’ directions to isolation points and group isolation boards,
  • Capture current SCADA values or
  • Capture manual measurements

On completion, the information provided can be sent to a custom script, allowing your checklist to be submitted directly into work order systems, maintenance management systems or simple databases.


Checkmate is the companion addon for Checklist, designed for those users who don’t currently have maintenance systems.

Using Checkmate, your submitted checklists are recorded by the ARDI server, and are then accessible using a simple web-based frontend. This allows you to easily find the checksheets filled in for any given asset, or by specific individuals.

This also includes all of the measurements, photographs or multimedia collected by the users who filled in the checklist – you can even view charts of manual measurements or look through the history of your inspection photos.

There is also a dedicated Checkmate driver in ARDI – this allows you to read your manually-recorded Checklist information back into the ARDI platform, so that you can display values in dashboards, charts, reports and perform analytics using the information you’re recording by hand.