What is the Modular Output System?

The Modular Output System (or MOS) is a Python package used to push values and events extracted during analytics out to where they can be used, recorded and distributed.

It was created due to the fact that people often produced analytics (such as KPIs, summaries, batch totals and indicators) in visualisations, but they were then discarded – the potentially useful information never found its way anywhere else.

With the Modular Output System, you can re-direct these analytic values to a variety of different locations, such as…

  • Text, CSV, Tab-Delimited and Log Files
  • Relational Databases (such as MS-SQL, PostGRESQL, MySQL etc.)
  • Time-Series Historians (such as InfluxDB or Prometheus)
  • Industrial Protocols (OPC-UA and Modbus/TCP)
  • MQTT / IoT Services
  • HTTP Endpoints (ie. WebHooks)
  • Microsoft Teams, SMS Notifications & Emails*

* For Events Only

Importantly, these routings are configurable. You can re-direct the analytics from a system to a totally different destination without changing any code, and filter your routings with rules so that only specific points of data are sent to certain destinations.