How does it help me?

Augmented Reality is the most powerful of the several options we offer to give people access your ARDI information in the field.

ARDI gives people immediate access to…

  • Asset Identity
  • Equipment Details
  • Current Values
  • Historical Values
  • Maps, Photos & 360 Images
  • Upstream & Downstream Assets
  • Drawings, Manuals & Procedures
  • Checklists & Other ARDI Addons

Independence in the Palm of your Hand

This allows your technicians in the field to be much more independent. They can work with less support needed from the control room, don’t have to travel to different areas for critical information, and don’t have to rely on other technicians with more experience with the location.

By minimising the barriers between people and the information they need to do their job safely, you maximise their efficiency and reduce your downtime.

How does it work?

Augmented Reality (AR for short) allows you to bring digital information into your view of the real world.

AR applications use a camera-equipped mobile device (such as a tablet, smartphone or slate-PC) to project information or objects into real-world scenes. In effect, the screen becomes a window – and we project extra information about your assets inside that window, to help you understand and confirm what you’re looking at.

It recognises the objects you’re looking at, clearly identifies them on your device, and allows you easy access to the information about the items behind the marker.

This radically reduces what people have to go through to find out about their assets. Instead of heading to the office and going through multiple different digital and paper-based filing systems, they just lift their hand-held device and look at the asset they’re interested in.