Interactive Demo


A bar-chart is a very simple and effective way to compare points of data, either against one-another, or over time.

Drawing your bar chart horizontally allows you to leverage the increased amount of space available on a wide-screen display.

Note: This chart is a live infographic – showing the latest information available, and keeping it up-to-date. Press the zoom button in the lower-right to view it at full size and control the displayed time.


This example is a simple chart showing how quickly each of the machines in a sequence are running.

You can find the example report on our paint line demo.

Tips and Tricks

  • When all of your machinery has similar limits, you can use colour coding to let the user know if the values they’re seeing are considered normal, low or high.

See Others

Bar visualisations
Horizontal visualisations
Infographic visualisations
Interactive visualisations
Live visualisations