Interactive Demo


Many operations want to calculate their Overall Equipment Effectiveness or OEE as part of ensuring that they are getting the most out of their process and plant.

But in many cases, the OEE figures are heavily massaged by the many hands that the information passes through as they filter up to management.

Because ARDI consolidates your information in one place, it’s a great place to perform OEE calculations that use real-world data from the most reliable sources. The system can be hooked directly into your equipment, your quality system, your maintenance system, and more.


This infographic calculates the OEE over the previous time frame (ie. 10 minutes, hour or day) and can update regularly to keep your operators up-to-date on production.

It can use logic customised to your specific needs, adapting to considerations like…

  • Defining what stoppages look like
  • Differentiating between scheduled and unscheduled outages
  • Compensating for the lag between the production and quality feedback
  • Compensating for delays caused by equipment, product or staff transitions
  • Ignoring/classifying brief events that are part of routine operation
  • Highlighting the different kinds of outage

You can find this example on our paint line demo site.

See Others

Analytic visualisations
Bar visualisations
Horizontal visualisations
Infographic visualisations
Interactive visualisations
Production visualisations
Summary visualisations