Interactive Demo


Polar Coordinate charts are used when you want to look at the pattern across several different properties, across a sequence or across time.

These charts are basically a line chart, but the value being plotted changes as it moves across the page/screen.

This allows you to see patterns in how values correspond to one-another, and is an excellent way to ensure your process is in-balance.


In this example, we are looking at several of our bridle rollers, machines that spin to keep our product line running at the required speed. These rollers have several measured properties that are all different, but all related to one-another. The actual speed tries to follow the target speed, while the current and voltage required to spin the roller needs to increase when speed does.

In this case, each line represents a different bridle roller.

Using the chart, we can see that although the speed and voltage of the rollers is very consistent, there are subtle differences in how much power they are using.

You can find this example on our paint line demo site.

Tips and Tricks

  • ARDIs Correlia tool helps to identify properties that are directly and indirectly related to one-another. This means it’s a great source of inspiration when choosing what to view on a polar coordinate chart.

See Also

We also have an example of this chart being used across time.

See Others

Infographic visualisations
Interactive visualisations
Line visualisations
Live visualisations
Parallel visualisations