Interactive Demo


Pie and donut charts provide a way of looking at percentages, such as the percentage of a given time-frame spent in different states, the percentage of your assets with specific issues, how much of the time they’ve been offline etc.

NOTE: Donut and pie charts are usually considered significantly weaker than bar charts, since the human eye is much worse at comparing angles than it is at comparing straight lines. They are eye-catching, but analytically less useful than other options. See this article for more information.


This example shows how many of our assets are performing at peak efficiency (green) or under the expected efficiency (yellow) in a live display.

Unfortunately, pie charts don’t give any indication of which assets are in that state – although you could use a discrete status infographic if this sort of accuracy is needed.

You can find this example on our small examples demo site.

See Others

Discrete visualisations
Dynamic visualisations
Infographic visualisations
Live visualisations
Radial visualisations